Thursday, February 12, 2009

Reduced green business travel in recession

February 11, 2009

Green Business Travel At Risk In The Recession

Companies are still committed to a Corporate Social Responsibility platform, but certain aspects of CSR, such as â��greenâ�� forms of business travel, are beginning to suffer in the recession as organizations prioritize cost-saving over supporting sustainable travel, according to the latest opinion poll by the Association of Corporate Travel Executives and KDS.Companies are still committed to a Corporate Social Responsibility platform, but certain aspects of CSR, such as “green” forms of business travel, are beginning to suffer in the recession as organizations prioritize cost-saving over supporting sustainable travel, according to the latest opinion poll by the Association of Corporate Travel Executives and KDS.

The study of 329 travel managers and business travelers from around the world found that 61 percent of organizations now have a CSR charter, compared with 59 percent in 2008. Moreover, almost 30 percent of corporate travel departments are required to report carbon emissions performance to management.

However, the survey also found that this commitment to CSR does not translate into greener travel choices, which are often more expensive. Almost 80 percent of companies rated cost-cutting as the top business travel concern, while environmentally sustainable travel is a high priority for only 17 percent.

As viewed in Environmental Leader on February 12th, 2009

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