Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Marriott reducing cost by recycling

March 2, 2009

Hotel Reduces Costs by Recycling

By reducing its trash and recycling more, a Marriott Hotels location is generating savings.By reducing its trash and recycling more, a Marriott Hotels location is generating savings.

After starting a recycling and composting program in February 2008, the University of Maryland University College Inn and Conference Center by Marriott has achieved significant savings, according to this press release.

Here is a comparison of 2008 versus 2007.

  • In 2008, about 28 tons of trash left the hotel per month, or about 336 tons a year
  • In 2007, the hotel generated about 37 tons of trash per month, or about 444 tons a year.

Of the 336 tons generated in 2008, 10 percent was recycled (glass, metal, paper, cardboard), 32 percent was composted (food scraps, plant materials), and 52 percent was trash that ended up in landfills. The recycling and composting resulted in annual savings of $6,000.

The hotel started a “green team” last year and hired as its compost vendor Envirelation Inc., according to the release. In addition to training employees on what can be recycled and how to separate it, the team examined other areas in the hotel that could be reevaluated, including the restaurant and kitchen.

Recently, Marriott began giving its customers the opportunity to “green” their hotel stay for an additional dollar per day.

Source: http://www.environmentalleader.com/2009/03/02/hotel-reduces-costs-by-recycling/

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